b'Instagram Stories Promoted postsInstagram boasts roughly oneBuilding a following takes time, but billion monthly active users500TOP TIPTOP TIPthere is a way to speed things up million of which watch InstagramShare your Stories for moreThe algorithm prioritisesa little: promoted posts. Insta ads Stories (the platforms 24-hourthan 24 hours by pinning thementertaining, funny andoffer more options for customising video feature) every day. as a permanent Instagraminteresting content, butand distributing your content, but Highlight on your profile. Youlow-quality video or visiblythey can be a right pain in the arse if Stories are an excellent way tocan have multiple highlights,recycled content from otheryou dont know what youre doing. show a bit of personality andso its a great way to keepapps*cough* TikTokPromoted posts are an effortless, engage with your audience on asuccessful content running*cough*will be penalised.cost-effective and accessible way more casual basis (because theyand categorise your StoriesYou need to make Reels thatfor even small businesses to start disappear after 24 hours, Storiesso that users can go back toare consistently high qualityadvertising on social media.tend to be more spontaneousthem again and again. and original to seeand less curated). For example,continued growth. You dont need to spend ages+you might use Stories to give yourdesigning new content for audience behind-the-scenespromoted posts. All you have to do access to an event. is choose a post from your existing ReelsInstagram Live feed and tap Promote. Youll then The sticker icon then ramps upbe prompted to fill in a few details interactivity by allowing you toApproximately 60% of businessesInstagram Live puts you rightabout your goal, audience, budget add things like polls and quizzes.use video as a marketing tool. Ifat the top of the Stories feedand duration. If you didnt link to a You can even use the feature toyoure part of that remaining 40%,and automatically sends pushFacebook account when you set up ask your audience questions we know what youre thinking.notifications to your followers toyour Instagram business account, excellent news if you want toSh*t. But dont worryits easy toalert them that youre going live.youll need to connect an account; conduct a bit of market research orincorporate video content into yourPlus, Instas algorithm loves usersif youre already linked up, youre gauge your audiences reaction todigital marketing strategy (were notwho embrace this feature, so itsgood to go. (Okay, maybe not quite different product ideas and services. talking blockbuster movies here). worth trying if youre keen to good to goInstagram does need ramp up visibility. to review and approve the post first Another nifty feature within StoriesInstagram added a new short-form but you get the idea.)is the auto-generated captions.video feature in 2020, which hasThe coolest thing about Instagram According to Instagram, 60% ofproved hugely popular with users.Live is that it enables your audienceBoth B2B and B2C brands can use people watch Stories with theYoure probably already familiarto comment in real-time, providingthis feature to drive traffic towards sound on, which means that 40%with Instagram Reels (if youre onan element of interactivity andtheir content and reel in new watch with the sound turned offInsta, we can almost guaranteegiving you the opportunity tocustomers (pun intended).(GCSE maths coming in handythat youve watched one, even ifengage directly with viewers. So, there). Captions make sure youryou didnt know it!). These dynamicif you find yourself answering the content reaches that final short-form videos are oftensame FAQs regularly or want to 40%not to mention make itaccompanied by trending audioexplain a product or service in more more accessible. and enable you to share valuabledetail, it could be worth getting an and entertaining content with yourInstagram Live session going! TOP TIP The Stories feature also hasaudience.Take a look at your post enormous potential for generatingYou can also see exactly how insights to establish which sales. Accounts with 10,000Thanks to the editing features,many people are watching atcontent has performed well followers or more can directly linkreels are great for increasingany given time, which can be aand will be worth promoting.to products with a simple swipe- engagement and allowing brandshandy way of gauging when your up link, and anyone can tag brandsto get creative with their marketing.audience is most activeand or individuals. This shopping featureFor example, the seamlesswhen the best time is for you to is handy for industries such astransitions are great for adding newpost on Instagram.fashion and beauty, which often music or showing movements such use influencer marketing strategiesas changing outfits. Like Stories, to promote and sell products you can also add auto-generatedTheres a lot to get your head around with social media, and things on Instagram. captions to Reels. can get technical pretty quickly when it comes to navigating best TOP TIPpractices and ever-evolving features. So, why not leave it to the experts? Market your Instagram Live(Considering half of our team were practically raised on social media, we campaign like any other in- reckon we know our sh*t.) person event and plan your content, but dont read from aWell work with you to identify the most suitable social media channels script. The best live series arefor your business, build a strategy and pinpoint your target audience those that feel authentic andbefore creating and scheduling your content. Get in touch today to find show some personality. out how our social media marketing packages can help you reach new audiences, promote your content and up your brand exposure. 16 17'