b'Polls Threads HashtagsTwo-way conversations areTwitter threads are a great way ofWe cant forget hashtags essential for growth and visibilityadding context and value to a tweetthe ultimate way of grouping on Twitter. Polls are a great wayby showing an accounts responsetogether tweets and keywords into of increasing engagement andunderneath the original in a chain. subjects. You can explore, research connecting with your audienceand track the top hashtags from to ask questions, show someBusinesses can use threads foryour industry by using Twitters personality and even conductvarious purposes, such as extendingnative search bar or an online toolTOP TIPa bit of market research whilst character counts (the maximum forlike Hashtagify to compare howCreate a poll by going youre at it. a single tweet is 280 characters) toeach hashtag performs. to compose a tweet and add further information to a pointselecting the graph icon. You Engaging with an audience mightor showcase different productscan then add your question involve asking followers what theirfrom a collection. You could alsoand different answer options favourite product is from a newuse this feature to live-tweetof up to 25 characters each, range or getting them to decidewhilst attending or exhibiting atand you can adjust the time between different options. Foran event. Plus, threads allow usersit will stay active from a example, a business could get itsto gain further insight into theminimum of five minutes to a customers involved in decision- conversations under competitorsmaximum of one week.making processes or ask them toposts to assess whats relevantpredict an upcoming release. and topical.# TOP TIPToggle between the Top Tweet and Latest Tweets to ensure you dont miss out on valuable content. The former shows a selection of tweets that Twitter predicts will be of most interest to you based on your engagement, whereas the latter displays tweets in order of publishing.# TOP TIPHashtags are a crucial part of a business Twitter strategy, allowing brands to stay involved with trending conversations and increase visibility. But dont overdo itTwitter suggests one or two carefully selected ones per post is plenty.4 5'