b'Contents#1 Intro#2 How to crack Twitter # May we introduce you#6 How to come out tops on Facebook Whilst dozens of channels fall under the umbrella of social media, all of them are actually quite different. Sure, the premise is more or less the same for each. But what about the finer details and features that set them apart?Every channel is uniquehelping you reach your audience and engage with them in a slightly different way. Plus, given that each platform has millions (or in some cases, billions) of worldwide users, theres an unimaginably vast audience to tap into!In the modern world, social media is unavoidable. Platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram gain thousands of new users each day. Today, 4.2 billion people are active on social media (over half the worlds population of 7.9 billion!). And we literally mean today; that number will #12 How to lead with LinkedIn only keep growing and growing. And growing some more. Social media may appear trivial to many businesses, but this couldnt be further from the truth. In fact, 90% of marketers say their social media marketing efforts have increased their business exposure, and 75% say theyve increased traffic to their website. Clearly, social media is an invaluable business toolone that you shouldnt let fall by the wayside. But there are many different ways to post on the various social media channels and a whole host of useful featuresranging from status updates and Stories to ads and Groups. Each feature has its benefits, allowing you to spark engagement in unique ways.#14 How to handle Instagram So, lets take a closer look at how you can make the most of these social media giants1'