Let’s be honest. If you want your business to be represented at the top of your industry and attract clients and customers, then you need to be portraying a true-to-life depiction of your business to the outside world. But which channels do you use? Should you be on Pinterest or should it be LinkedIn? How long should your blog articles be and are the blogs for people to actually read or are they all about adding fresh content to the website to help it attract more visitors? These are the types of questions that most small – medium businesses struggle to answer without outside help. That’s not a bad thing; but it is something that doesn’t fall within the budget of most UK’s businesses. How can it? To answer these questions in-house you are going to need a creme-del-la-creme marketing director who is going to demand a six-figure salary, which is certainly not in the budget – right?!
So as a business owner, your options are limited. You could employ a marketing junior who will ultimately get swamped by all the different requirements and only reaches a surface level knowledge on everything. Plus, they’d get pulled into the day-to-day urgent tasks of the business and suddenly the Facebook page hasn’t been posted to in 3 months and the business looks closed! Another option would be to outsource the marketing requirements to a freelancer; who will no doubt know exactly what they are talking about, but who co-ordinates the different freelancers? Typically, this route leads to added pressure on the business MD / CEO who is often already short on time. This then leaves the option of outsourcing to a traditional marketing agency, which unfortunately holds its flaws. The respected publication The Drum, reports that the average hourly charge for an external marketing agency is £86 per hour. As well as this, 52% of agencies will not work on a project (such as a website) worth less than £5,000 and 10% of agencies won’t touch projects under £25,000.
Imagine the possibilities
So, what is the answer I hear you say? Well let’s imagine you could have all your written content produced, including your blog and social media writing with your social media channels also constantly monitored and your followers engaged with. Imagine this written content publicised for you and your company name and the names of key persons in your business appearing in both local and national relevant publications.
Now imagine alongside this, your website was continually being optimised to ensure its ranking drives more and more relevant website traffic month-on-month. Imagine a well-designed company e-mail newsletter going out to your potential customers every month. Imagine your Google AdWords account was not only being managed, but also optimised to reduce spend every month. In addition to all of these superb things, imagine you had creative, design and development support on tap with a company that is already up to speed on your business. As the cherry-on-top of all these things, imagine your website being hosted by someone who not only knows how to update the software and fix things quickly when required, but they also had the creative ideas to keep your website evolving.
Imagine no more… Hyped Marketing bucks the trend of traditional agencies. We handle the marketing requirements of small to medium businesses through our unique and proven marketing packages that start from as little as £1,595 per month. Many of our clients think that they’ll have to put a lot of time and resources into the marketing themselves, which they quickly realise is not the case. Our monthly reporting methods are combined with creative and planning discussions; meaning your time is only needed to hear the highlights and help make decisions on the direction of the messaging you would like for your business. Just to make things even sweeter, there are no lengthy contracts; all of our monthly marketing packages are available on a rolling monthly contract.

So, what are you waiting for? Call us today on 01252 717373 to speak to one of our expert team and discover how Hyped Marketing will help your business reach its full potential today.