Which social media metrics should you track to beat the algorithm?

Social media metrics are the data points that measure how successful a campaign is, how well your social strategy is performing and your overall brand health — super helpful whether your business is just starting out or you already have a large social media following.    From follower counts to [...]

By |2024-03-18T16:02:26+00:00June 15th, 2023|Blog, Socia Media|

17 digital marketing tools to help small businesses

Gone are the days when a multi-million-pound marketing budget was necessary to get ahead of your competitors. More and more small businesses are realising the benefits of digital marketing and investing their resources in it (in fact, only one in 10 SMEs don’t invest in any kind of marketing [...]

By |2024-03-18T16:04:11+00:00February 21st, 2023|Blog, Socia Media|

9 top tips for developing social media videos

We get a lot of requests from clients wanting to use more videos in their marketing, and it’s easy to see why. Video content allows you to tell a story and show your authentic side, with the added bonus of selling your products or services (subtly, of course). Plus, [...]

By |2024-03-18T16:06:11+00:00November 7th, 2022|Socia Media, Video|

Full exposure: how to market your new website

Never underestimate the value of a good website. We know you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but plenty of us — 38.5%, to be precise — judge a business solely on our first glance at its site. User experience is essential for customer retention (who wants to [...]

Social sharing: how to come out on top on Facebook

It may not be the longest reigning social media network (that accolade goes to LinkedIn), the most popular with millennials and Gen Z (Instagram) or the best platform for real-time content (Twitter), but Facebook more than holds its own. Facebook is still one of the most widely used social [...]

By |2024-04-23T13:13:16+01:00February 22nd, 2022|Socia Media|

Your digital marketing checklist for 2022

Feel like you're missing something?​ Whether you're struggling with your brand identity and website or you're not sure where to begin with SEO and PPC ads, our marketing checklist will steer you in the right direction for the year ahead… Awesome branding​ Let's start with arguably the most [...]

12 days of Christmas… content!

When it comes to Christmas marketing ideas, everyone tends to focus on the build-up. But what about the day itself and post-Christmas? Those limbo days when everyone is made up of 50% chocolate, 10% Baileys and 40% [insert favourite festive foods here]. When people are lounging around, not sure [...]

To you and yours: our Christmas marketing tips

That’s right. We said the ‘C’ word (no, not THAT one). But before all you cantankerous Grinches start spoiling our fun, hear us out. It’s NEVER too early to start thinking about Christmas when it comes to your marketing tactics. And since it’s now less than 100 days until [...]

By |2024-04-29T09:27:08+01:00September 17th, 2021|Blog, Marketing Wisdom, PPC, Socia Media, Web Design, Web Development|

Social sharing: how to crack Twitter

Twitter — the birthplace of the #hashtag, home of memes and the downfall of Donald Trump. Founded in March 2006, Twitter is one of the longest-standing social media platforms, celebrating its 15th birthday this year (who remembers the iconic egg avatar from way back when?!). So, what makes Twitter [...]

By |2024-04-29T09:29:31+01:00September 6th, 2021|Marketing Wisdom, Socia Media|

Social sharing: how to handle Instagram

Now one of the biggest players in the social media world, Instagram is the dog's bollocks if you have a visually appealing brand. Over the past decade, it has become far more than a simple photo-sharing app, with rapid growth leading Facebook to acquire the platform for a whopping [...]

By |2024-04-29T09:31:24+01:00August 4th, 2021|Marketing Wisdom, Socia Media|
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