The secret formula for a winning marketing strategy

Is your marketing lacking direction? Have your campaigns started to fall flat? Or are you just generally struggling to get anyone to give a damn about what your business has to offer? We’ve got news for you: the problem probably lies in your digital marketing strategy — or lack of. [...]

By |2024-04-23T15:56:19+01:00September 18th, 2023|Marketing Wisdom, News and Insight|

6 content buckets (and how to use them in your online marketing)

Conventional marketing advice will often tell you that you need to split your content into ‘content pillars’.   These pillars help you organise your content and are useful to have when you’re lacking inspiration or trying to plan out your weekly or monthly calendar.   But are these pillars stifling your [...]

By |2024-03-18T16:00:22+00:00July 31st, 2023|Blog, Marketing Wisdom|

Your digital marketing checklist for 2022

Feel like you're missing something?​ Whether you're struggling with your brand identity and website or you're not sure where to begin with SEO and PPC ads, our marketing checklist will steer you in the right direction for the year ahead… Awesome branding​ Let's start with arguably the most [...]

12 days of Christmas… content!

When it comes to Christmas marketing ideas, everyone tends to focus on the build-up. But what about the day itself and post-Christmas? Those limbo days when everyone is made up of 50% chocolate, 10% Baileys and 40% [insert favourite festive foods here]. When people are lounging around, not sure [...]

To you and yours: our Christmas marketing tips

That’s right. We said the ‘C’ word (no, not THAT one). But before all you cantankerous Grinches start spoiling our fun, hear us out. It’s NEVER too early to start thinking about Christmas when it comes to your marketing tactics. And since it’s now less than 100 days until [...]

By |2024-04-29T09:27:08+01:00September 17th, 2021|Blog, Marketing Wisdom, PPC, Socia Media, Web Design, Web Development|

Social sharing: how to crack Twitter

Twitter — the birthplace of the #hashtag, home of memes and the downfall of Donald Trump. Founded in March 2006, Twitter is one of the longest-standing social media platforms, celebrating its 15th birthday this year (who remembers the iconic egg avatar from way back when?!). So, what makes Twitter [...]

By |2024-04-29T09:29:31+01:00September 6th, 2021|Marketing Wisdom, Socia Media|

Social sharing: how to handle Instagram

Now one of the biggest players in the social media world, Instagram is the dog's bollocks if you have a visually appealing brand. Over the past decade, it has become far more than a simple photo-sharing app, with rapid growth leading Facebook to acquire the platform for a whopping [...]

By |2024-04-29T09:31:24+01:00August 4th, 2021|Marketing Wisdom, Socia Media|

SEO your way to the top of SERP

SEO. SERP. EAT. So many acronyms, but what do they all mean? Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the process of improving your website's visibility in search results and, in turn, driving more traffic towards your site and business. The purpose of an effective SEO strategy is to make it [...]

By |2024-04-29T09:40:18+01:00July 14th, 2021|Marketing Wisdom, Search Engine Marketing, SEO|

12 email marketing tips you *need* to know

Email is nothing new; it’s a tried-and-tested platform that businesses all around the world rely on every single day. But ‘tried and tested’ doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of ways to spruce up your email marketing and bring in results. Email is widely considered to be the top communication [...]

By |2024-04-29T09:47:02+01:00May 14th, 2021|Email Marketing, Marketing Wisdom|

Hashtags: 6 strategies to maximise reach and engagement

Hashtags are a simple yet incredibly useful marketing tool. These little symbols and hyperlinks can transform your social media posts, highlighting relevant searchable content to improve the reach and engagement of your posts. Getting to grips with some of the basic best practices of hashtag use and knowing where [...]

By |2024-04-29T09:49:07+01:00May 5th, 2021|Marketing Wisdom, Socia Media|
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